My thoughts on Star Trek Discovery pilot.

Hi guys.

It's anglers from just AFRICOM and today I want to share with you my initial thoughts on watching the starship discovery, the pilot.

So it was in two episodes ,the Vulcan hello and battle the binary stars. We were introduced to the main characters also we fought the main characters anyway. First one is Captain Philip of Georgia and then we have first officer Michael Burnham and Lieutenant Commander Sara Dorer of the USS Shen Xue and I started off very well you have the familiar Star Trek feel you have the communicators the phasers etc. You have the sound effects that go with it to make you think it's a Star Trek a Starfleet ship. What first thing I notice was that the next generation post yet next generation era sound effects have been used on the bridge so it's familiar yet not quite in time but you know I'm willing to let that go this that's just a tiny little thing first reactions I guess it was a very good strong pilot that's for sure they set up the characters nicely it set up the whole premise for the Klingon Empire being our new enemies rounding around a new protagonist our friends and the Klingon Empire have been seen for over a hundred years and they came into contact with the first time with the Federation and after a hundred odd years they found a figure that they can now use as an excuse I guess as a channel to unite the basically make the Federation their enemy again so this is the premise that the Star Trek Discovery starts with the story for the first episode was brilliant I really really liked it I liked it when Birnam Michael was she's called it flew out into the star field and we saw the binary stars investigating the they cling on a vehicle shall we say which was cloaked at the time really really well done great music great special effects great setup it was just brilliant very well acted can't complain there at all and then at the end of it we have the standoff with the Klingons vastly outnumbered one Federation ship versus 24 Klingon ships or so and we were waiting for the for the next episode so you click Next on to the next episode with net and it was a little bit of an anti-climax it was a little bit Star Trek 2009 where the captain and the first officer beam aboard the baddie shit and then they go pow pow pow shoot shoot shoot and it's all a little bit come on you know we've seen this whole cliche before first of all if you're going to take on a Klingon ship you're not going to just beam down with your captain your first officer you're gonna be sending down a security team loads of the people not your your two primary people four of a ship but that's just a minor little thing one thing I wanted to say the special effects with all right outstanding this isn't Star Trek from next generation of Voyager where we have a single ship firing maybe a couple of seconds and off it goes this is full-on battle full-on high quality special effects I especially like the brig scene very very well done one small nitpick is with the battle scenes it's a little bit messy it's a little bit Battlestar Galactica which I guess is symbolic of the messy nature of war but um I guess I'm used to Star Trek being very clean phaser cuts torpedoes here there and everyone can see exactly what's happening it's all happening very slowly as opposed to the rapid action but I'll get you first no problem at all the theme I know it didn't only a review on the start of Discovery theme the theme itself the music fits well with the visuals they've gone for an interesting animated approach with the artwork of the discovery ship flying around I think it works well but having said that and the second episode I just clicked next to skip the intro I wasn't interested it didn't stick in my brain I get and I guess I kind of agree with my earlier video that even with the visuals it's just not a strong enough theme for Starcher discovery and hopefully that would be looked at later on so overall thoughts I can't wait to see what the rest of the season is going to be like I'm really encouraged I'm really excited that starts back on TV just very quickly my wife she's never seen really Star Trek series and she fought us absolutely also she thought it's better than Star Trek beyond so if anything at least we have new people who haven't seen Star Trek before coming on board who really loved the story I can't wait one one interesting fact is that we never saw the USS Discovery or the crew so I'm looking forward to the third episode one other little nitpick that's just come to my mind is when first officer Burnham was being court-martialed for her mutiny it was almost like we're looking at a scene from North Korea with the dark lights with the judge and everyone in shadows it didn't quite ring true with Starfleet but again it's just a little nitpick I'm really excited with what's going to happen with this series it's got my interest I can't wait to see what the future brings so please leave your comments below I'd like to know what your thoughts are on Discovery's pilot and click subscribers a lot a lot more reviews coming your way live long and prosper

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